Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Register of Deeds Office

Vital Records


The Vital Records Section of the Register of Deeds Office maintains copies of all birth, death, marriage, and divorce records for events that occur in Dane County. To obtain certified copies of any of these records, you will need to fill out an application form and pay a fee. Information about obtaining certified and uncertified copies is listed below.


Vital Record Fees
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Divorce Certificates
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Genealogy Resources
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Military Discharge Records
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Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Certificates

We are able to issue certificates for all Wisconsin counties for the following dates.

Birth: October 1, 1907 to present
Death: September 1, 2013 to present
Marriage: October 1, 1907 to present
Divorce: January 1, 2016 to present

If your event happened in a different county, and does not fall under these dates, please contact that county or the Wisconsin Vital Records office at (608) 266-1373.

How to Apply

You may apply for copies through the mail or online. There are different fees charged, application requirements, and turnaround times depending on how you apply:






In Person 

M-F 8am - 3:45 pm 

Suite 110
210 Martin Luther King
Madison, WI 53703

Turnaround Time: Approximately 15 minutes from the time we receive your completed application at our counter*


Each time you apply & each record you apply for:
$20.00 for search and first copy (certified or uncertified)
$3.00 for additionals


Cash, money order, cashier's check, business check, most major credit cards and debit cards will add a fee of $2.50 and up

No personal checks

Completed application (see below) with a current photo ID and proper form of payment


Through the mail
Register of Deeds
PO Box 1438
Madison WI 53701-1438

Turnaround Time:
Mailed via First Class Mail within 1-2 business days of receipt


Each time you apply & each record you apply for:
$20.00 for search and first copy (certified or uncertified)
$3.00 for additionals


Money order, cashier's check, or business check

No personal checks


Completed application (see below) and proper form of payment


Official Records Online
(for technical difficulties)


Turnaround Time:
Next day FedEx service if you place your order by 2:00 pm CST.

Two day FedEx service if you place your order by 2:00pm CST.


Each time you apply:
$20.00* first copy (certified or uncertified) of each record
$3.00 each additional
$10.00 expedite fee

$40.00 FedEx fee

$22.00 FedEx fee


All major credit cards are accepted.

*You can apply for more than one record during the course of making your order and avoid making multiple ORO fees.

Online Expedited Service

Turnaround Time:
Next day UPS service if you place your order by 2:00 pm CST.


Each time you apply:
$20.00* for search and first copy (certified or uncertified) of each record
$3.00 each additional
$20.00 expedite fee
$12.95 VitalChek

$19.00 UPS next day air fee


All major credit cards are accepted.



*You can apply for more than one record during the course of making your order and avoid paying multiple expedite, VitalChek and UPS Next Day Air fees.



Why doesn't my new name show on my marriage certificate?
Please note that your last name does not automatically change when you wed which is why the certificate you purchased from us still shows your last name prior to your recent marriage. If you wish to have your name changed you must take your certificate to the Social Security Administration office near you and then to your local DMV. You do not need to purchase a new certificate after that because our certificate will NEVER reflect your new last name.

Why is it a Felony to Make a Photocopy of a Birth, Death, Marriage, or Domestic Partnership Certificate?
The Attorney General stated in 78 Op. Att'y Gen. 232,233 (1989), "Section 69.24(1)(a) was enacted in apparent response to a substantial increase in the practice of obtaining and using false identification documents by manipulating the existing system. For example, it was easy for a person to procure a photocopy of a birth certificate from a source other than discussed in chapter 69. This certificate, which might be accurate or already altered, could be altered to provide a new identity or other erroneous identifying information……. The Legislature obviously determined that this evil and its consequences could only be prevented by a strict measure which makes copying per se a criminal violation unless done under the authority of subchapter I of chapter 69."

How Do I Make Changes to an Existing Record?

  • Birth Records
    • Changes to existing Dane County birth records must be made through Wisconsin State Vital Records. Possible changes include: spelling and name changes, paternity judgments (adding the father), and numerical changes.
  • Marriage, Domestic Partnership, & Death Records
    • Changes to existing Dane County marriage, domestic partnership, or death records made within 365 days of the event may be made through our office. All changes will require a signed amendment letter. Please contact our office at 608-267-8810 for more information.

Changes to existing Dane County marriage, domestic partnership, or death records made 366 days or more after the event must be made through Wisconsin State Vital Records.

Information for Parents, Coaches, and Schools
Instead of photocopying a child's birth certificate (see above) please ask the child's coach to use the following form.

Officiant Instructions - Marriage License/Worksheet

The officiant has three business days from the date of the wedding to file the marriage license/worksheet with a Wisconsin Register of Deeds office anywhere in the state.  After filing the license/worksheet with a Register of Deeds office, a certified copy of your marriage certificate may be obtained from any Register of Deeds in Wisconsin.

The completed marriage license/worksheet can be brought to the Dane County Register of Deeds office in person, mailed or emailed to:

Dane County Register of Deeds Department

210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Room 110

Madison WI  53703

Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.