Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Register of Deeds Office


  Genealogy Searching is not available at this time  


The Dane County Vital Records office contains records available to the public age 18 and over who agree to the State of Wisconsin Administrative Code Conditions for Users of Vital Records Area (DHS 142.07) and can provide a valid photo ID. People who wish to view records must fill out a searching form and provide names and dates of the records they wish to view.

Advance appointments are required. See Genealogy Searching Policies above for more information and for the appointment scheduling phone number.

If you are unable to come in person to our office, you may submit the standard application from the main page with a $20 search fee and we will look up the record for you and mail you an uncertified copy of the record if we find it.

Wisconsin Historical Society Online Records

The Wisconsin Historical Society has world-class collections containing a range of artifacts and information about American history. North American genealogy and Wisconsin history are particular collection strengths. For more information, you may visit their website here.

Obtaining Copies

You may purchase uncertified copies of any public record in the Vital Records section, whether or not you are related to the person/people on the record. You can find fee information, or to learn how to obtain certified copies of these records.