Property Fraud Alert is a FREE notification service!
PROPERTY FRAUD ALERT is a notification service that alerts subscribers when a document has been recorded in the Register of Deeds office. This service is FREE and you can choose the alert method of a text, email and/or phone call.
One can sign up by visiting https://www.propertyfraudalert.com/select or call the Property Fraud Alert Hotline at (800) 728-3858. You can register in both English and Spanish.
The Dane County Register of Deeds Office is the central location for vital records and land records for Dane County. Our Vital Records Section maintains and issues copies of birth, death, marriage, divorce, and domestic partnership certificates, and records military discharge papers for veterans. Our Real Estate Section maintains and issues copies of land records for property located in Dane County (deed information), and records a variety of other documents of significance (firm name registration). Most records are available for viewing in our office free of charge.
The Dane County Register of Deeds Office is open Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Vital Record applications are accepted in-person Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Find a map to our office under the Contact Us tab above.

Records of birth, death, marriage, divorce, domestic partnerships and military discharge.
Learn More

The Register of Deeds supports two online real estate records searches: Tapestry and Laredo.
Learn More
Our office is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Vital record applications and real estate documents for recording can be mailed to our physical address .
Learn MoreNeighborhood Search Program
The list of documents in the Neighborhood Search Program is a working list and should not be considered a complete list of these types of documents recorded with the Register of Deeds. The list is subject to error, omissions, and future modification. As our office continually works to back index the documents in our care, search results from this program will change. If you enter a condo or subdivision name and see it listed but followed by the word "NOTE" (for example: ABC CONDO - NOTE), then you won't receive documents available for the search. You would need to visit the Register of Deeds office to research further.
The Register of Deeds has made it's library of neighborhood covenants and restrictions free to search and download.
Find your neighborhood documents here.

Register of Deeds
Kristi ChlebowskiKristi Chlebowski is the current elected Register of Deeds.
Phone: (608) 267-8814
Email: chlebowski@danecounty.gov

Caution! This mail piece is being sent throughout Wisconsin and it is not from the Dane County Register of Deeds office.
If you look at the very bottom of this document, the writing reads: Please note that all information provided is sourced from the County Recorder’s Office. This is not true. TaxRegistry.org is not legit.
The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This website contains links to third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser; the WRDA and its members do not recommend or endorse the contents of the third party sites.